Tag / experience

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  • Nuraghe

    HST Experience – Archaeology

    The leading character in Sardinian prehistory, the “nuraghe” is the product of a civilisation which spanned over more than a thousand years (from the 19th to the 3rd century BC) and developed…

  • hstexperience

    HST Blog Travel News | Spring holiday in San Teodoro

    Here 10 proposals for an unforgettable #hstexperience Not only sea, but also hiking, visits to archaeological sites and much relax during the most colorful season! Experience the extraordinary canyoning in the beautiful…

  • Autumn in Barbagia

    Autumn in Barbagia

    Sardinia is a magical and fascinating land that knows how to make all its visitors feel welcome. The scent of myrtle and helichrysum scattered throughout the surrounding mountains reaches the vacationers of the San Teodoro Hotel Experience and makes them want to learn more about this fascinating island. Find out more …

  • Direct booking


    ooking directly with us means having all the typical reservations portals features all combined with exclusives benefits of our reservation system.

  • pc in riva al mare

    HST Blog Travel News | HST Bed & Bureau | Smartworking

    How to get out of a smartworking routine at home and find a temporary location where you can stay comfortly with all the services you need? Here our new formula “HST 𝗕𝗲𝗱 & 𝗕𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘂”

  • hst experience sardinia

    San Teodoro Hotel Experience

    La Sardegna è una terra magica ed affascinante che sa far sentire benvenuti tutti i suoi visitatori. Il profumo di mirto ed elicriso sparsi per le montagne circostanti raggiunge i vacanzieri del San Teodoro Hotel Experience e li fa desiderare di saperne di più su questa affascinante isola.  Scopri di più …