Autumn in Barbagia
Autumn in Barbagia in Dorgali 2021 17-18-19 September “ Fachende Zoigas ”ss an ancient expression that, refers to the complex and meticulous goldsmith workmanship of traditional Dorgali jewel, alludes to the qualities that have always distinguished the town’s artisans: accuracy and attention to small details.
Theevent is free but following some specific COVID-19 rules dictated first by the Italian Government and the Municipality of Dorgali.
Autumn in Barbagia Program Dorgali 2021
📍 For more details and information, you can contact the Pro Loco Dorgali office on 0784/96243 or by e-mail:
17 SEPTEMBER 2021 “Waiting for Autumn In Barbagia in Dorgali”.

18 and 19 SEPTEMBER 2021
🔸 Demonstration of the wine production process and guided wine tasting (SHORT N ° 1 AND 3). 🔸 Demonstration of the traditional Sardinian grains (COURT N ° 21). 🔸 Processing of lard and its seasoning (COURT N ° 3). 🔸 Educational farm lesson on bees with the help of the hive. Honey tasting, abbattu, hazelnut and others (COURT N ° 3). 🔸 Exhibition of the phases of harvesting and processing of Sardinian saffron (CORTE N ° 16). 🔸 Demonstration of basket weaving (COURT N ° 7). 🔸 Demonstration of traditional sweet and savory preparation and cooking on a wood oven (SHORT N ° 6 AND 23). 🔸 Demonstration of the typical dessert preparation “Gattò e Aranzada” (COURT N ° 24). 🔸 Demonstration of making of su pistizzone (Fregula sarda) (COURT LETTER E). 🔸 Live demonstration of knife forging (COURT N ° 2). 🔸 Demonstration of Sardinian carpet weaving and crochet embroidery (COURT N ° 26). 🔸 Exhibition of jewels made with traditional filigree and artisan demonstrations of live working of some of the most typical jewels (s’isprugadente, Sardinian faith, corbula, buttons) (SHORT N ° 12/16 E 19). 🔸 Demonstrations of traditional woodworking (COURT N ° 15). 🔸 Exhibition of artistic and traditional ceramics made with different techniques (COURT N ° 17). 🔸 Demonstration of the workmanship of the classic hand-sewn pocket (SHORT N ° 3 AND 13). 🔸 The dressing of the bride with the traditional Dorgali dress (COURT N ° 25). 🔸 Exhibition of paintings made with various techniques and live painting demonstrations (COURT N ° 22). RELATED EVENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 18 and 19 September 2021 🔹 11:30 am – 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm Istelotte Choir singing at the Canti e Sapori Court in Via Lamarmora. 🔹 Itinerant concert along the streets of the town of the Coro Ilune, Coro Prama ‘e Seda and the Tenores Durgalesu. 🔹 September 18, 2021 – Traveling performances by the Don Milani Folk Group. 🔹 18th September 2021 – 8.30 pm guitar, accordion and voices concert (T. Matzau, T. Delussu, F. Figos, G. Magrini) by the Dorgalese Solidarity Association – Piazza Su Cucuru. September 19, 2021 🔹 18:00 – Holy Mass in honor of Saints Cornelio and Cipriano, the procession will follow through the streets of the town. 🔹 8.30 pm – Guitar, accordion and voices concert (G. Murru, T. Delussu, F. Sias, G. Magrini) by the Dorgalese Solidarity Association – Piazza Su Cucuru. Autumn in Barbagia is classified as a village fair / festival, for this reason, by government provisions, access is allowed only with the GREEN PASS.