HST Experience – Sea and Nature

Mare e Natura hst

This Park, comprising the Arcipelago della Maddalena, can be reached by ferry or steamboat from Palau and Santa Teresa di Gallura. (52km from San Teodoro) Surrounded by a crystal-clear sea, it includes the islands of La Maddalena, Caprera and Santo Stefano (opposite the Gallura coast-line), Budelli, Santa Maria and Razzoli (to the north-west), Santo Stefano and Spargi (to the south).

The islands have very jagged coastlines and feature rocky stretches alternating with small sandy coves. The vegetation, mainly Mediterranean bushland, includes myrtle, mastic, rosemary and lavender. Pine trees and holm oaks grow in the most sheltered areas.

La Maddalena, the only inhabited island in the archipelago, is crossed by a scenic road and a few secondary roads, leading from the central highlands to the sea.

Caprera (which hosts an “oriented” natural reserve) is crossed north to south by a single rough track, and alternates pine areas with stretches of Mediterranean bushland, punctuated with juniper, mastic, oleaster and tree spurge. In the spring, the island is dotted with small and beautifulspontaneous orchids.

L’isola di Spargi presenta fitti boschi di lecci e corbezzoli.

Animal life includes jackdaws and kestrels (Capre-ra), sparrow hawks and buzzards (La Maddalena), shearwaters and wild pigeons (Spargi), Sardinian warblers, white-throats, Marmora’s Sardinian warblers, Audouin’s gulls, cormorants and hawks (in the entire archipelago).

Budelli is home to a few marginated tortoises.


A must for those who visit Sardinia for the first time!


HST Experience – Sea and Nature

Possibility to have specially arranged guided tours.

Contact us for more information, availability and prices.

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