HST Food – Pasta

HST Food - La Pasta

The famous wheat (Senatore Capelli) particularly good and sought after, is still cultivated in Sardinia, not by chance the region is among those with the production of high quality pasta. Let’s discover together the most famous types;

Let’s start with the “Malloredduswhich in many areas are still made by hand, are small dumplings of durumwheat flour shaped into thin elongated shells. They are normally preparedalla campidanese“alla campidanese style”, in a tomato and sausage sauce sprinkled with abundant grated “pecorino” cheese. In the best cooking tradition, the dough for the “malloreddus” is spiced with safforn, ti archieve a more aromatic flavour.

Durum wheat flour is also used to prepare “Fregula“, small balls of wheat obteined by pouring lukewarm water on the flour and rubbing the mixture by hand on a large plate of rough terracotta. The “Fregula” is often accompained with sausage and tomato, altrough it is also used in various types of soups.

Everywhere in the region you will find the “ravioli di ricotta o formaggio” (ravioli filled with ricotta or cheese) and “zuppa di fave” (broad bean soup), which originates from the Oristano province.

Last but not least, the “Culurgiones”, large ravioli filled with mixture of potato, garlic, cheese and fresh mint, are tipically found in the Ogliastra area.



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